Answers to Common Questions You May HaveFrequently Asked Questions
A Trusted Divorce Attorney in Katy, TX
Getting a divorce is a complicated process in Texas. From initially filing the motion to the final decree, it is important to know exactly what to expect. We've created a list of commonly asked questions, however, if you have more questions, please reach out to our skilled Katy family law attorney.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it matter who files for divorce first?It doesn't matter who legally files for divorce first, outside of the slight advantage of getting to speak first.
How much will my divorce cost?The cost of a divorce varies from case to case. A case where the two parties are amicable can more inexpensive than one that goes to trial. Additionally, how long it takes to settle on an agreement can higher costs. At Fischer Law Offices, P.C., we try to minimize conflict and cost by working with our clients and even offering payment plans.
Does one party have to show that the other party is "at fault" to obtain a divorce?No, you do not have to prove the other party is at fault. However, Texas allows both fault and no-fault grounds for divorce, meaning if there is fault, such as adultery, abandonment, etc. - it will be taken into consideration.
Can I legally separate from my spouse?No, Texas does not recognize legal separation. This means that though you and your ex may live apart, any property or assets you acquire within the marriage is shared.
How long does it take to finalize a marriage?Divorce in Texas is a lengthy process. It takes at least 60 days for a divorce to be finalized, however, that time can vary depending on the complexity of the case.
Will handling my own divorce save me money?
The question is that it depends. Too often, people don't hire attorneys to try and save money but lose out in the end. A skilled attorney not only understands the complexities of the law but can make sure your rights are protected thus saving you time and money.
At Fischer Law Offices, P.C., we understand that divorce is taxing enough without you having to worry about attorney fees or finding the right legal representation. Our dedicated Katy divorce attorney works with clients to make sure their case is handled appropriately and in a timely manner. We prioritize our clients and show them the compassion and care they deserve.